Episode 8: What’s giving You Life?
Many times over the course of our lives it feels as if our efforts bear no fruit. It can feel like our energy is being wasted on projects and goals that will ultimately fizzle out after having made no significant impact or having shown any signs of life. I , too, feel this way at times. But recently, I’ve been encouraged by the emergence of the beautiful flower pictured above.
When I received this plant a few months ago it came with instructions for care, but with no flowers. I was told that all I needed to do was to water it and give it some sun. Well, I did that for a few weeks and began to grow concerned because I did not see any flowers growing from it. “Perhaps it’s a dud,” I thought. I checked back with the person who gave me the plant and expressed my concern that a flower had not shown up, yet. “Keep watering it,” he said.
Eventually, a flower did emerge. I was so excited for this little flower. But I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened had I stopped watering it a few days before it sprouted. What would have happened if I had given up because I was tired of doing the right thing and getting no immediate results? How many of you feel that way? You’ve been watering your “plants” and getting no flowers in return.
If that is your state, then I ask you to hear the testimony of my little flower. Results, while they may not arrive on our schedule, can only occur if you do not give up. So keep doing what’s right— providing water and sun; keep doing what’s right because it’s right.
In this week’s episode, Liberty and I talk about some of the things that are giving us life. We know that it can be challenging to wait for God to bring fruit to our efforts and work. So we encourage you to find life and joy in the journey.
Listen in and then share with us the things that are giving you life along the way.